Little Eaton Local History Society Constitution
This shall be the Little Eaton Local History Society
Aims & objectives
1. To document, maintain and develop a historical record of the village of Little Eaton and its environs that is freely accessible to all.
2. To develop public interest in all aspects of local history.
3. To undertake research into all aspects of Little Eaton's history
4. To devise, approve and implement appropriate systems and procedures for the recording and safe storage of documents held in the Society's care with due regard to copyright, intellectual rights, safekeeping and duty of care.
5. To undertake the compilation and organisation of local history material which shall form the archives of the Society.
6. To maintain an awareness and conform where necessary to statutory requirements e.g. public liability.
7. To liaise with Derbyshire County Records Office and other agencies for help and guidance as required.
The Management Committee shall consist of a President, Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who will be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. In addition there shall be five other members of the Committee.
The Management Committee shall meet at least four times a year. The quorum for the Management Committee shall be five. In the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional committee members from the registered membership or form sub-committees as and when it is deemed necessary. An Examiner of the Society's affairs shall not be a committee member and must be appointed annually by vote at the AGM.
Ordinary Membership
Membership of the Society shall be open to all interested individuals who wish to contribute to its aims and who have paid the annual membership fee. Members wishing to hold voting rights will be required to provide name, address and contact details to be held in a register by the Society Secretary. Such details shall be held only for the purposes of information and communication and shall not be disclosed to any other person outside of the Society.
For the purposes of voting at general meetings, registered members shall be entitled to vote and a minimum of eleven members will constitute a quorum. The Chairperson will have the casting vote.The Society will strive to encourage and maintain a balanced membership reflecting the local community
An annual membership fee will be levied from each registered member and an attendance fee charged at each meeting. The Committee will determine the amounts payable. Additional funding will be sought from other sources e.g. Lottery, donations etc.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the accurate and proper recording of the Society's financial affairs. The Society's bank shall be NatWest, 20 King Street, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1PT.
The signatories to the account shall be any two of the following:
President, Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer.
The income and assets of the organisation can be used only for the furtherance of the organisation's objects and that no part of its income or property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of bonus or other distribution to the members of the organisation.
In the event of the Society ceasing to operate the members will agree to forego any rights to the distribution of assets. In these circumstances the remaining assets will be offered to Little Eaton Parish Council to be used for educational or cultural purposes.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual general Meeting will be held in May and the following business will be undertaken :
The Annual Report will be read and discussed
The examined accounts will be presented
The Officers will be elected following submission of proposed names prior to the AGM
Motions previously submitted to the Chairman will be discussed.
Any other business
Amendments to the Constitution
The Management Committee may propose amendments to the constitution at a quorum meeting. The changes may be made only at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. Two weeks notice shall be given for an Extraordinary General Meeting. If the motion is passed then the amendment to the constitution shall be adopted.